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[[folder:Comic Strips]]
* One ''ComicStrip/{{Garfield}}'' comic had Garfield and Jon go to the circus. Jon started talking about the freakshow he was looking forward to. Garfield gestured to the assorted weirdos also waiting in line at the ticket booth and told Jon to save his money.
* One ''ComicStrip/{{Garfield}}'' comic had Garfield and Jon go to the circus. Jon started talking about the freakshow he was looking forward to. Garfield gestured to the assorted weirdos also waiting in line at the ticket booth and told Jon to save his money.
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[[folder:Newspaper Comics]]
* One ''ComicStrip/{{Garfield}}'' comic had Garfield and Jon go to the circus. Jon started talking about the freakshow he was looking forward to. Garfield gestured to the assorted weirdos also waiting in line at the ticket booth and told Jon to save his money.
* One ''ComicStrip/{{Garfield}}'' comic had Garfield and Jon go to the circus. Jon started talking about the freakshow he was looking forward to. Garfield gestured to the assorted weirdos also waiting in line at the ticket booth and told Jon to save his money.
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*** A story in ''Detective Comics'', again featuring Two-Face had him trying to resolve one of Harvey Dent's unfinished cases which involved a circus. The circus just happened to have ConjoinedTwins in the freak show, who Two-Face alternated between feeling a connection to and despising, and who had differing opinions about Two-Face's brand of "justice".
*** A story in ''Detective ''ComicBook/Detective Comics'', again featuring Two-Face had him trying to resolve one of Harvey Dent's unfinished cases which involved a circus. The circus just happened to have ConjoinedTwins in the freak show, who Two-Face alternated between feeling a connection to and despising, and who had differing opinions about Two-Face's brand of "justice".
** ''ComicBook/{{Supergirl}}'':
*** "ComicBook/TheSuperSteedOfSteel": Since his sea circus is a flop, Gorbin decides to hunt and exhibit merpeople to bring in customers.
*** "ComicBook/TheUnknownSupergirl": As visiting the Midvale fair, Linda Danvers passes by a freakshow. Watching the "bearded lady", the "human needle" and "Jo-Jo, the dog-faced boy", she cannot help but feel sorry for them. Shortly after, Red Kryptonite makes her growing a second head, but fortunately everyone believe she is a member of the show.
*** "ComicBook/TheSuperSteedOfSteel": Since his sea circus is a flop, Gorbin decides to hunt and exhibit merpeople to bring in customers.
*** "ComicBook/TheUnknownSupergirl": As visiting the Midvale fair, Linda Danvers passes by a freakshow. Watching the "bearded lady", the "human needle" and "Jo-Jo, the dog-faced boy", she cannot help but feel sorry for them. Shortly after, Red Kryptonite makes her growing a second head, but fortunately everyone believe she is a member of the show.
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** In the first ''[[Comicbook/GhostRider Ghost Rider]]'' series from the 1970s/1980s, the Quentin Carnival where Johnny Blaze lived and worked as a stunt-rider included a sideshow with several freaks. A multiple-issue story arc featured [[BigBad a nasty villain called Freakmaster]] who took normal people and ''turned them into'' freaks, then put them in his sideshows.
** In the first ''[[Comicbook/GhostRider Ghost Rider]]'' ''ComicBook/GhostRider'' series from the 1970s/1980s, the Quentin Carnival where Johnny Blaze lived and worked as a stunt-rider included a sideshow with several freaks. A multiple-issue story arc featured [[BigBad a nasty villain called Freakmaster]] who took normal people and ''turned them into'' freaks, then put them in his sideshows.
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* Some of the characters in ''VideoGame/FaustTheSevenGamesOfTheSoul''. When a man named Theodore More came to turn the circus into a theme park called Dreamland, he considered getting rid of the freakshow, but he was convinced by the employees to keep it going so they would still have somewhere to work.
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* The [[ Human Blockhead]]
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* The Sword Swallower
* The [[ Sword SwallowerSwallower]]
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* Being based on the real-life story of P.T. Barnum and his circus, ''Film/TheGreatestShowman'' is a great example. The performers in Barnum’s show include a bearded woman, a 22 year-old dwarf, a VERY tall man, a dancer with tattoos all over his body, the original Siamese twins, a three-legged man, a dog-faced boy, a 500+ pound man, a strongman, and two African-American acrobats, among others.
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* ''Music/TomWaits'': In "Lucky Day Overture" from ''Music/TheBlackRider'' Tom plays a circus promoter promising "human oddities" such as a three-headed baby, [[BrainInAJar Hitler's brain]], the human pincushion, a seal boy with flippers for arms, the man born without a body, and more!
* ''Music/TomWaits'': In "Lucky Day Overture" from ''Music/TheBlackRider'' Tom plays a circus promoter promising "human oddities" such as a three-headed baby, [[BrainInAJar Hitler's brain]], the human pincushion, a seal boy "The Worst Sideshow Ever" doesn't actually have any freaks, and Music/TheMenThatWillNotBeBlamedForNothing find its pickled gherkins with flippers for arms, the man born without a body, fake eyes and more!ears glued on unconvincing. Most of its exhibits are just ordinary people and animals wearing {{Paper Thin Disguise}}s.
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* Music/{{Silverchair}}'s second album, Freak Show, has the overall theme of this trope.
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* Music/{{Silverchair}}'s second album, Freak Show, has the overall theme of this trope.
* ''Music/TomWaits'': In "Lucky Day Overture" from ''Music/TheBlackRider'' Tom plays a circus promoter promising "human oddities" such as a three-headed baby, [[BrainInAJar Hitler's brain]], the human pincushion, a seal boy with flippers for arms, the man born without a body, and more!
* ''Music/TomWaits'': In "Lucky Day Overture" from ''Music/TheBlackRider'' Tom plays a circus promoter promising "human oddities" such as a three-headed baby, [[BrainInAJar Hitler's brain]], the human pincushion, a seal boy with flippers for arms, the man born without a body, and more!
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* ''Literature/TrappedInTheCircusOfFear'', set in a CircusOfFear (yeah, no doy) have one of these, whose freaks - all of them - WasOnceAMan. They're children who won a free tour to join said circus for a week, only for the ringmistress, an EvilSorceress, to turn them into an {{unperson}} and convert the winners to her personal freak collection.
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* AbnormalDentalGrowth
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* The {{Armless|Biped}} Wonder
* The {{Armless|Biped}} WonderWonder (or legless, or totally limbless)
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* The CircassianBeauty (usually a non-Circassian white woman with hair styled like an afro)
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* The Fat Man/Woman (typically far heavier than a typical fat person--especially by the standards of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when freak shows were at the height of their popularity)
* The Fat Man/Woman (typically (often far heavier than a typical fat person--especially by the standards of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when freak shows were at the height of their popularity)
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* The Fat Man/Woman (typically far heavier than a typical fat person[[note]]Especially by the standards of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when freak shows were at the height of their popularity.[[/note]])
* The Fat Man/Woman (typically far heavier than a typical fat person[[note]]Especially person--especially by the standards of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when freak shows were at the height of their popularity.[[/note]])popularity)
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Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope. Not to be confused with Sideshow Bob of ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'' infamy, who's [[AxCrazy freaky in a different way]].
Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, freak shows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope.trope. TheBarnum is likely to be running these shows. Not to be confused with Sideshow Bob of ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'' infamy, who's [[AxCrazy freaky in a different way]].
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A Sideshow Act is a special show that involves people with strange or dangerous talents, and people with odd physical deformities or features.
A Sideshow Act sideshow act is a special show that involves people with strange or dangerous talents, and people with odd physical deformities or features.
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* The Fat Man/Woman (typically far heavier than a typical fat person)
* The Fat Man/Woman (typically far heavier than a typical fat person)person[[note]]Especially by the standards of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when freak shows were at the height of their popularity.[[/note]])
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* StageMagician
* The Pinhead (an antiquated term for someone with [[ microcephaly]])
* The StageMagician
* The StageMagician
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Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope. Not to be confused with Sideshow Bob of ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'' infamy.
Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope. Not to be confused with Sideshow Bob of ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'' infamy.
infamy, who's [[AxCrazy freaky in a different way]].
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Changed line(s) 46,47 (click to see context) from:
Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope.
Also compare ComeToGawk, which comes up frequently in works about Freakshows, as well as the PointAndLaughShow, which is the TV version of this trope.
trope. Not to be confused with Sideshow Bob of ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'' infamy.
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