Joined in 2016 after several years of lurking. I'm not too fond of egocentric editing, natter, complaining, Narm misuse or Don't Explain the Joke potholes, and I delete any instances of these on sight.
I'm not very active on this site nowadays, but I still drop in occasionally.
If I ever come off as rude or grumpy here, I apologise for that. Don't be afraid to tell me if you think I'm being a jerk.
Notes about the "Ask the above poster a question" forum game:
- If I don't answer your question, it isn't simply because I didn't see it or I ignored it, but rather because I legitimately had no answer for it. Please don't pursue me asking why I didn't respond to you.
- However, if you ask me a "shitpost" questionnote , then yes, I am ignoring you.
- Please don't ask me about a specific work if I've never indicated any interest in it.
- I couldn't answer questions on bands, musicians or music genres to save my life.
- I don't like talking about food; it bores the hell out of me.
- See also the first folder of this page.
- Ed, Edd n Eddy (I often watched it as a child, but it's been a long time since then and I haven't rewatched it.)
- Harry Potter (It's been more than a decade since I read the books, and I mostly only remember the parts that were kept in the movies. There's also the fact that, since the 2020s, I've come to loathe J. K. Rowling for reasons that make me unwilling to give her any more attention.)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (I watched the first three parts of the anime and enjoyed them, but not enough that I'd consider myself a fan. I like the idea of JoJo more than JoJo itself.)
- The Simpsons (I'll watch the first eight or so seasons when I'm good and ready.)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (I've absorbed some amount of knowledge of the franchise through osmosis from fan content and memes, but I haven't played many of the games or properly consumed many of the various TV shows, comics, etc.)
Some Works I Like
As a rule of thumb, if something isn't listed here, then I'm probably not interested in talking about it.
- Undertale
- Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Currently my favourite video game overall. I have not played X, 2 or 3.)
- Warhammer 40,000note
Other Interests
Video Games
Official SCPs
- SCP-426
- I am a Toaster
- SCP-507
- Reluctant Dimension Hopper
- SCP-999
- The Tickle Monster
- SCP-1958
- Magic Bus
- SCP-2521
- ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
- SCP-2614
- Sometimes I Go Out In Pity For Myself
- SCP-3922
- SCP-4999
- Someone to Watch Over Us
- SCP-006-J
- SCP-10101-J
- Not A Self-Insert At All
Thoughts on Tropes
Tropes don't exist in a vacuum and so I believe overall that the trope itself is less important than the context for its use; therefore, I consider myself neutral towards the vast majority of tropes. That said, there are a few that I like better than others.Named Tropes
- The Anti-Nihilist
- Asshole Victim
- Bathos
- Being Evil Sucks
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Big Friendly Dog
- Boxing Lessons for Superman
- Classical Anti-Hero
- The Comically Serious
- Creepy Good
- Crosses the Line Twice
- Cryptic Background Reference
- The Dog Bites Back
- Don't Fear The Reaper
- Endearingly Dorky
- Equivalent Exchange
- Evil Is Hammy
- Face of a Thug
- Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse
- Funny Background Event
- Gameplay and Story Integration
- Genius Loci
- Gods Need Prayer Badly
- Good Is Not Soft
- Heart Is an Awesome Power
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Karma Houdini Warranty
- Love to Hate
- Magic A Is Magic A
- Match Cut (favourite example: Watchmen)
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane
- Meaningful Background Event
- Mechanical Lifeforms
- Mickey Mousing
- Morality Kitchen Sink
- Mundane Made Awesome
- Not-So-Harmless Villain
- Once More, with Clarity
- Parody Sue
- Post-End Game Content
- Precision F-Strike: I believe that swears are more effective when used sparingly (favourite example: BoJack Horseman).
- Protagonist Journey to Villain
- Redemption Quest
- Rewatch Bonus
- Science Fantasy
- Screw Destiny: I find the idea that everything is predetermined or "must" happen to be complete bunk, so it's always satisfying when a character calls bullshit on it (favourite examples: Berserk, Xenoblade Chronicles 1).
- Silence is Golden
- So Bad, It's Good
- Sophisticated as Hell
- Stylistic Suck
- Sufficiently Analyzed Magic
- They Look Just Like Everyone Else!
- Tragic Villain
- Variable Mix
- Voices Are Not Mental
- We Used to Be Friends
- Settings that feature a mixture of different mechanical beings, including robots, cyborgs, mecha, lifeforms, etc.
- Games where each boss has unique battle music, or has different music depending on the category it falls under.
Named Tropes
- 20 Bear Asses: Such quests tend to be tedious; I prefer more creative quests.
- Accentuate the Negative: I don't see anything wrong with saying that you dislike something, but people who constantly bang on about how much they hate a certain show/film/etc. are annoying as hell.
- Auto-Scrolling Level
- Caustic Critic: I’ve mostly stopped watching them because nowadays I generally find their shtick to be annoying, exhausting and overused... and that's just the ones who deliberately exaggerate their anger for comedic effect; the ones who get genuinely enraged are even more unpleasant.
- Checkpoint Starvation: Shovel Knight uses it excellently by implementing it as an optional risk-reward system, but most cases of this trope drive me up the wall.
- Damage-Sponge Boss: Especially when combined with Checkpoint Starvation.
- Fan Hater: It's okay not to like a work; just don't act like an obnoxious, sneering git towards people who do.
- Forced Level-Grinding
- Forced Tutorial
- Honor Thy Abuser
- If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him!
- It's Popular, Now It Sucks!: I don't think that you're obligated to like something just because it's popular, but at the same time blaming other people for your dislike of the work and/or attacking them for enjoying it is pathetic behaviour.
- Monster of the Week: It doesn't have anything to do with bad writing; I personally just have a hard time getting into works that employ this format.
- Not Wanting Kids Is Weird: No, it isn't. If someone doesn't want kids, that's entirely their own business.
- Opinion Myopia
- Reviews Are the Gospel: Critics can often be a useful indicator for whether a work would be worth your time, and maybe to get a deeper analysis of a work you're already familiar with, but that doesn't mean you should be afraid to form your own goddamn opinions.
- Romantic Plot Tumour
- Strangled by the Red String
- Time-Limit Boss: I just find them very stressful, mainly because I dislike feeling rushed in general.
- Token Romance
- Trailers Always Spoil
- Bosses that don't display a Life Meter or Hit Points. I like to know how much damage I'm doing to a boss (or whether I'm doing any at all), and how close I am to victory so that even if I fail on a particular attempt I'll know whether I made more progress than on my previous attempt.
- '90s Anti-Hero: Antiheroic characters like Guts and Rorschach work well because it's clear that their lifestyles are taking a toll on their mental health and interpersonal relationships, and so the reader understands that this archetype is ultimately not an ideal to be aspired to. This trope becomes a problem when writers ignore such complexities and assume that these characters are compelling because they're "cool and edgy", and focus solely on these surface-level aspects when creating their own characters.
- Darker and Edgier: I think the right tone for a story is a matter of what you're trying to achieve with it and what kinds of themes you want to explore; in other words, this trope (and its sister trope) works better as a tool rather than an end in of itself. While I dislike the idea that a series becoming darker automatically makes it "too bleak", I also find the idea that a series being "darker" inherently makes it "better" to be idiotic; Mario wouldn't suddenly become deeper or more interesting just because the characters decided to start saying "fuck".
- Generic Doomsday Villain: I usually don't mind the trope if the villain is explicitly characterised as a mindless force of nature (e.g. Calamity Ganon), they are prophesied to destroy the world (e.g. Surtur, in agreement with his original version), and/or they do not have enough direct involvement in the plot for their lack of clear motivation to detract from the writing quality (e.g. Surtur again; the aliens from NieR: Automata). However, if the villain both displays intelligence (therefore implying some degree of moral agency) and is the driving force for the plot, then I'm more likely to be unhappy with them if their motivations aren't fleshed out beyond "destroy everything cuz im evil lol".
- Hype Backlash: I've been burned before on critically acclaimed media that just didn't click with me. My personal solution was to start actively defying Hype Backlash by trying to approach each new work with neutral expectations; if I go in expecting a 10/10 masterpiece, I'm not going to get one. Additionally, I'll only check something out if I have a genuine interest in it, rather than just to see "what all the fuss is about". In general, it's worked out pretty well; if I do like something as much as everyone else then I'm happy that I enjoyed it, and if I don't then I don't mind much because I realise that not everything is for me. For example, I found Fantastic Mr. Fox to be So Okay, It's Average, but I wouldn't call my reaction Hype Backlash because I ignored the hype when I decided to watch it and was prepared for the possibility that it wouldn't be my thing. Ignoring hype for media has also made me realise that I don't always love something straight away, and sometimes my liking for something grows organically over time, as was the case with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
- Marathon Boss: They're fine unless combined with Checkpoint Starvation.
- Marathon Level: Same as above.
- Abusive Parents
- Bad People Abuse Animals
- Because I Said So
- Bullying the Disabled
- Domestic Abuser
- Education Mama
- Entitled Bastard
- Entitled to Have You
- Hair-Trigger Temper (in cases where their temper makes them abusive towards other people)
- Heteronormative Crusader
- It's All About Me (although these characters can be hilarious when portrayed comedically)
- Karma Houdini
- Life Isn't Fair: I agree that life isn't fair... which is why one should be trying to make it more fair instead of using it as an excuse to be a selfish asshole towards anyone who has it tougher than them.
- Never My Fault
- Ungrateful Bastard
- Would Hurt a Child: While I don't really like being around children, I still think that they deserve to be safe and happy, and that anyone who actively harms them should have their ass kicked into the sun.