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Tropers / Arcolops

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Oh, hello. I didn't hear you come in.

So, someone came to take a look at my page. What a delight. Well, it is nice to have someone showing a bit of interest in me once in a while. Even though I probably won't know about it. Got to love that. So, what to tell you now, huh? Let's see...

Well, I'm an amateur writer in training from Sweden. I am not a big fan of school, but hey, it's got to be done. I enjoy reading, long walks in the sun, and comedy movies. Especially if someone gets hurt. Now don't give me that look, it's not that bad.

Anyway, I figure I've wasted enough of your time already, but if you'd like, you're welcome to stay for a bit and find out some more stuff about me.

Wiki Magic: If you feel like adding anything to the list, be my guest.

Well, I guess that's enough about me. ...Wait, no it's not. This is my page!

    open/close all folders 

     Anime I Enjoy 
What, are you kidding me?!

...Okay, fine, you got me. I do like some of them.

     Books I Enjoy 

     Movies I Enjoy 

     TV Shows I Enjoy 

     Video Games I Enjoy 

     Western Animations I Enjoy 

Now go ahead and give me your worst. I'm sure I can take it.

You haven't been vandalized yet. Let's be friends, okay? - Tofu

I wouldn't want to meet you. I fear that a snarking contest would evolve - Catfish42

Aaaw, I think I'd miss you the most, too. -pounces on and hugs - Epitome

Man, you and I are more alike than I thought. One day you and I will have to fix that. ;) - Keybreak

OH! Okay, I need a question answered and you may be the only person I know who can. Is The Swedish Chef racist? - wellinever

Sup, man. - Kinkajou

Wow! Someone else that like Megas XLR? Awesome!! Just Call Me Katsu

You're a pretty cool person, you know that? Aliroz The Confused

Greetings from beautiful Columbus, Ohio! — Central Avenue

Haven't seen much of you but you seem ok. I need to know more about you before I start to write Arcolops / Epitome Hurt Comfort Fics though. - WUE

You seem like a cool guy. - Gentlemanorcus

I regret not leaving my mark earlier. Arcolops, I like you because you are a great guy. - Nathaniel The Seeker

每次我總 一個人走
交叉路口 自己生活
某個角落 就你和我

在你的身後 計算的步伐
每個背影 每個場景

帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走

抱著緘默 不皺眉頭
彼此溫柔 從此以後

在你的身後 計算的步伐
每個背影 每個場景

帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走

白馬溜過 漆黑盡頭
潮汐襲來 浪花轉動
凝在海岸 結成了墨
薔薇朝向 草原氣球
郵差傳來 一地彩虹
刻在心中 拍打著脈搏

帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
~♥Midnight Velvet

The faeries are not defacing your page. - StolenByFaeries
