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Tropers / Archsage

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Welcome to my little side of the Internet. In case you are wondering, I go by He/Him pronouns.

Basic Info
This is me as a sexy anime boy.

Name: Archsage

Age: I forget

Gender: The one with the bad bathrooms

Race: I hate racing

Sexuality: Good Question

More Detailed Info

     Tropes About Me 
  • The Ace: For whatever reason, I'm this at Monopoly. I barely even have to try and I win.
  • Amazon Chaser: Oh yes. Pretty much all of my crushes can kill me easily. It doesn't even have to be physical strength either, it can be anything from magic to incredible skill.
  • Berserk Button: Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Transphobia, etc, but I doubt this is unique to me
  • Big Eater: I'm like a bottomless pit... but I am trying to work on it, sooo wish me luck.
  • Black Comedy: Most of my jokes/the things that make me laugh are this. I have no clue why, but they do.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Me in a nutshell. I have a pretty high IQ (147), but I'm too lazy to do anything with it.
  • Buffy Speak: Sometimes words hard.
  • Dark Action Girl: Not me, but rather the usual type of girl I'm attracted to
  • Deadpan Snarker: What can I say, I've watched too many Golden Girls reruns.
  • Dude Magnet: I have an ungodly ability to get guys to fall for me. I've helped three guys realize they're bisexual and I have over a dozen other guys simping over me... not to mention the fact that I'm in a poly relationship with all guys.
  • The Gadfly: I like to joke and kid at the expense of others, but only if they're comfortable with me doing so
  • Glass Cannon: The characters I play as tend to be this combined with Squishy Wizard
  • Insult of Endearment: I tend to (jokingly) call my friends names.
  • Leitmotif: If I had one it would be this. I think the chaotic energy of the song really matches my personality, so I think it fits pretty well... also I just really like the song.
  • One True Love: I've finally found my soulmate and I'm ecstatic to say he feels the same.
  • Self-Deprecation: If I'm good for anything it's this. I'm trying to work on it, but I haven't really had much luck.
  • Shipper on Deck: I have ever so many ships. Too many to count. Gay, Straight, Bisexual, so many ships, so little time
  • Signature Mon: Every time I can have one, a Reuniclus is on my team. I just think they look cute, also they have pretty good defensive stats for a Psychic-Type.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Anything my mom makes, she's a Goddess in the Kitchen.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: If you can't tell I am, indeed, a man in real life... the female avatars probably aren't doing me any favors.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Yeah, I like trading insults with friends, in real life and online. Special mentions go to BackSet1 and Nonalienpersonyep since I do it with them the most. But never let it be said I don't love my friends, because I do.

My Likes and Liken'ts


  • Myself
  • People who think women can't be sexist
  • People who automatically assume everyone they meet is Heterosexual
  • People who believe that anyone who deviates from gender norms is strange
  • People who joke about racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc.
  • Television that tries too hard to relate with kids by using things that were popular several years ago
  • People who try to force veganism onto others
  • Unnecessary drama
  • Crowds
  • Stupid pranks
  • Cold fries
  • People who gatekeep fandoms
  • PETA (I agree with many of their ideas, but their methods suck and they demonize anyone who doesn't follow their beliefs)
  • There are anime/cartoons/books/comics/etc. that I don't like, but I'm not putting them here in case it upsets anyone

Characters I Simp For



Congrats! You just wasted a minute of your life that you'll never get back!
