Describe Arcadiarika here.
Well, if you must... ^__^;
Author (wannabe-author, really), artist, shy. Prior to joining, I was a lurker.
I now have a Tumblr, where I post liveblog ideas and, well, future liveblogs.
I show examples of the following tropes:
- Aborted Arc: The "trapped in a dimensional rift" arc in the Super Sentai Vs. Power Rangers liveblog would have lasted entirely in it. Unfortunately, as writer Sean Akizuki rewrote the chapters and deleted a few, that arc did not happen entirely; rather, it continued in the liveblog of The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II, where they fought against a demon who's meant to be the representation of Thomas—and, with my help, won. It was then replaced by the "story!Rika is kidnapped by the Big Bad" arc.
- The dual liveblog of The Prayer Warriors: Battle of the Sphinx/The Titans Strike Back were dead for a time due to Noah deleting it and all other stories...not that the fics have been updated much, anyway. At first, until I found his deviantART page and managed to riff the rest, ending the entire liveblog of the series officially when the stories were almost halfway done.
- Accentuate the Negative: Averted whenever I find something good or funny. My positive liveblogs of Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue and My Little Eye, along with any moments from any liveblog do count.
- Breather Episode: In the middle of the intensity of The Prayer Warriors: Battle With the Witches, I made a Breather Liveblog in the form of reviewing My Little Eye. I even hung a lampshade on it, stating that I wanted to liveblog something I liked because the Prayer Warriors series was sapping my will to be happy.
- After The Prayer Warriors: Threat of Satanic Commonism, an attempted breather episode was Super Sentai Vs. Power Rangers. Realizing that it would take a while to do the "trapped in a dimensional rift" plot, this was scrapped. Despite this, the few chapters I liveblogged there didn't have much rage; The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II easily made up for it.
- Both the liveblogs for Power Rangers: Revolution and The End of Ends are breather liveblogs, as both were written before and after heavy, dramatic arcs. While the former is technically an arc, it's more light-hearted in tone and has a focus on comedy. The latter is noticeably less arc-oriented until the end.
- Catchphrase: Several, but some of the ones that stand out are "why would you do that?" and "I've started this party; now, I'm shutting it down!"
- Characterization Marches On: In the beginning of my liveblogging, specifically in 2009/2010 in the fora, I gushed about a certain Power Ranger (see the Tsundere entry!). Over time, the gushing has decreased quite a lot, where I focus more on why I like a scene or character, and my liveblogs take an analytical, if still humorous at times, approach. This was pointed out in the Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers liveblog.
- Crack Fic: The B-plot and overall plot of the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Power Rangers Samurai liveblog, in which four actors from previous Super Sentai/Power Rangers shows, even if they're mostly referred by their first names, face one of the revived Monsters of the Week. And later, said actors and my story self become the Gokaigers. And the three Power Rangers actors obtain their Hidden Powers in the form of Ranger Keys. Yeah, it's weird, even though the weirdness is hinted in the title itself.
- Crossover: In the Pooh's Adventures of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie liveblog, Carter Grayson shows up.
- Mega Crossover: In the first four chapters of the infamous Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers liveblog and all of the Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II liveblog, Carter, Matoi, Mako, and Catherine Grayson all show up, having appeared via dimensional rift.
- Distaff Good Counterpart: To Dakari-King Mykan. For reference, there were indeed times where I felt so miserable and down, to the point where I believed that my own characters in We Are Our Avatars needed to suffer in order to garner sympathy, if not suffer in general. Mykan places his favorite characters through the wringer in almost all the fanfics he has ever written. But the biggest difference is that I eventually learned my mistakes and mended fences with the roleplayers I got upset with, even after my stint as a roleplayer ended, whereas Mykan refuses to change whatsoever.
- Every Episode Ending: "This has been (title of the liveblog, whether long or short)! Until next time, see ya!" And a stinger of some sort, in relation to how I feel at the end of it.
- Gender Bender: At the end of the first installment of The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods liveblog, I'm turned into a man.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The Kickboxing Academy liveblog's installment titles follow an Excited Episode Title! theme naming. Like Denji Sentai Megaranger.
- In the liveblog for Pooh's Adventures of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, the installment titles are named after various Power Rangers songs.
- Each title in The Prayer Warriors: Battle With the Witches liveblog contains a blatant reference (or a partially blatant reference) to the first twelve Power Rangers series.
- In the My Little Eye liveblog, each installment title is named and retitled by Carter's focus episodes ("Trial by Fire" becomes "Trial by Jerkassery", "A Face from the Past" becomes "Names from the Past", "Yesterday Again" becomes "Twisted Minds Again", and "Web War" becomes "Reality War"). Also counts as an Actor Allusion.
- Each title in Super Sentai Vs. Power Rangers either follows a Sentai series' episode-naming structure or retitled after another episode title to fit the theme. However, on some of the titles, they make some mention on "flipping out" or "ragequitting", as an overview on how story!Rika feels about the fic, and there's one title that's just taken from one of the Sentai series without any modifications at all.
- Each title in the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Power Rangers Samurai liveblog is renamed after a few of the Super Sentai special movies and one Samurai team-up special, and "Chapters" are called "Missions".
- The titles in the liveblog of Power Rangers: Revolution are all named after random Power Rangers episodes. Save for two, which are taken from the naming scheme in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger.
- In the Cyborg Davis liveblog, each installment title is named after a song from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
- Each installment title in the liveblog for The End of Ends has been named either after a song Mykan would choose for the "Beast Boy's Magic Voices" series, a song from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (due to me comparing the fanfic to the anime a lot), or in one case, a major battle song.
- Red Is Heroic: In the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Power Rangers Samurai liveblog, the four actors chosen and named are all Red Ranger/Sentai Warrior actors.
- Reference Overdosed: My liveblogs. The references themselves run the gamut from Tokusatsu to pop culture; i.e. music, video games, and the like.
- Running Gag: From the liveblog of Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue on, I always begin the liveblog with this statement.
"(insert some sort of greeting here). From the batshit insane mind that brought you the livebloggening(s) of (a list of things I liveblogged, either finished or in-progress) comes...(a description of what I'll liveblog)."
- "Excuse me. I have a wall to demolish." Every single time a very dumb moment happens in anything I liveblog, I say this.
- The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods liveblog has this gem: "Hey, did you know that (insert something that the author said)? No? Well, you do now, because the writer said so!"
- In the liveblog for My Little Eye, anytime I try to talk about Matt, I end up referring back to Carter Grayson. Over the course of the liveblog, though, it's taken to the extreme, to the point where I declared that Matt is Carter from another dimension. Then those comparisons are thrown out the window when Matt starts to kill.
- During the liveblog of Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers, I made an initial Drinking Game list, based on the events that occurred. Whenever there are more events (such as Cole falling in love with someone), I amend the Drinking Game list.
- See Shout-Out.
- Screwed by the Network: The Lightspeed Rescue liveblog has been postponed indefinitely due to the fact that there are no clips of the videos on You Tube, and I refuse to go to any other downloading site (not sure if there are any bugs, for one).
- Both A Light in the Forest: The Legend of Holly Boy and the dual liveblogs of The Prayer Warriors: Attack of the Sphinx/The Titans Strike Back will never be completed due to them being taken down.
- Averted with the liveblogging of The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II bonus chapter. After it was deleted off "thanks" to Thomas, I reposted the story in sections.
- Shout-Out: Expect me to make some form of Actor Allusions, sneak in allusions to Tokusatsu, or create some odd reference or rewrite scenes in the form of something else.
- In the Kickboxing Academy reviews, whenever Danny fights, I played the Power Rangers in Space theme song and, in the tournament, "Go Fly Win". Also doubles as an Actor Allusion.
- Wild Andros appeared!
- See "Idiosyncratic Episode Naming". Also, one of those Excited Episode Titles contains a different Shout-Out: "We Can't Stop Here! This Is Filler Country!!"
- In the liveblog of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue's first episode, "Operation Lightspeed", I remarked on what Carter was, but then I noted that it was the wrong canon. Where did it come from, you ask? We Are Our Avatars, a game I was formerly in.
- And for the hell of it, in the liveblog of "Trial by Fire", I wrote the decision of whether Carter should rescue the citizens or put the flames out before it reaches the gasoline in the form of a Choose Your Own Adventure.
- In the liveblog of A Light in the Forest: The Legend of Holly Boy, I renamed each installment part by basing on either an established episode title of a Super Sentai series and rewriting it to fit the situation going on in each installment or following the Idiosyncratic Episode Naming for another series.
- Like Linkara in Atop The Fourth Wall, I completely broke down after realizing that I compared "Time for Lightspeed" favorably to Pooh's Adventures. Complete with a different Sanity Slippage Song, played when my sanity slipped.
- In the liveblog of Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers, there's a scene where Radiguet, nicknamed "RINO", gives a speech to the United Super Sentai and Power Rangers Alliance. I set it all to "Hello Zepp", as a reference to a certain other villain. Then Psyga315 created a video based on that shout-out, bringing it full circle.
- In the Kickboxing Academy reviews, whenever Danny fights, I played the Power Rangers in Space theme song and, in the tournament, "Go Fly Win". Also doubles as an Actor Allusion.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: To characters in the form of Actor Allusions. You'll know them when you'll see them.
- Shown Their Work: At times, I'm pretty good at this. It really shows my true colors whenever I mention about actors or what happens behind the scenes. The infamous kissing scene in Kickboxing Academy is a good choice, complete with links to sources.
- Something Completely Different: In the (previous) liveblog of the Lightspeed Rescue episode "The Mighty Mega-Battles", I wrote the entire thing as if it was a Real-Person Fic, using the names of the portrayers of the Rangers throughout.
- Unlike most of the liveblogs, Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue and My Little Eye are mostly-positive liveblogs, though they do have some snarking here and there.
- Citing writer's block, I made a liveblog of the ten worst songs of all time, examining what elements were done right and what needed to be improved in the songs.
- The Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Power Rangers Samurai liveblog is part-straight liveblog, part-Real-Person Fic, the "B-plot" in the semi-style of some of the Nostalgia Critic's review-skits in recent episodes. Naturally, said B-plot ends up becoming a Crack Fic, see above.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: At the end of the dual liveblog of The Prayer Warriors: Attack of the Sphinx/The Titans Strike Back, I directed this to Idiosy, who revealed that he was Thomas Brown and was trolling all along.
- Trilogy Creep: After promising that I would do just the three Prayer Warriors stories, I was told to do a fourth one. Then I did a fifth liveblog, covering two stories and making it a dual liveblog.
- Tsundere: Type B most of the time. For my liveblogs, specifically my Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue one, it's a Type A. Towards a certain actor.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Wooden Duck" for "sex/sex scene". Created during my liveblogging of Naruto Veangance Revelaitons in the hopes of keeping it clean.
- Writer Revolt: Even though it was later subverted with me admitting that it's my own fault for doing this, The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II liveblog slowly becomes this, telling those who wanted me to liveblog it, simply put...
"And to those who were like, "oh, you should liveblog this because he went off the deep end!", seriously, the hell were you thinking?"
- It should be noted that this was spurred by my readers thinking that my reviews are the Gospel, especially when it comes to bad stuff. Another reason for this is because of literally so many of the comments stating that the writer's a Troll—another thing that I was sick of seeing, to the point where I blatantly stated that anyone who makes such comments will be ignored. Why? Because I don't focus on whether or not he's a Troll. I focus more on the contents themselves.
- Kickboxing Academy (status: complete
- Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (status: on hiatus
- A Light in the Forest: The Legend of Holly Boy (status: in progress
- Pooh's Adventures of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (status: complete
- The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods (status: complete
- The Prayer Warriors: Battle With the Witches (status: complete
- My Little Eye (status: complete
- The Prayer Warriors: Threat of Satanic Commonism/Communism (status: complete
- Super Sentai Vs. Power Rangers (status: complete
, and warning, it has plot)
- The Prayer Warriors: The Evil Gods Part II (status: complete
- The Prayer Warriors: Attack of the Sphinx and The Prayer Warriors: The Titans Strike Back, a dual liveblog (status: complete
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Power Rangers Samurai (status: complete
, and warning, it has plot)
- Power Rangers: Revolution (status: complete
, and warning, it has plot)
- Cyborg Davis (status: complete
, and warning, it has plot)
- The End of Ends (status: complete
, and warning, it has plot)
Vandalize Here!
Vandalized FOR GREAT JUSTICE... Also, Beauty And Warrior? Damn, I thought Space Transformers was bad. ~a vandal
Hello! Your art is a bit scary, but it's fine. -Kinkajou
2/24/10 - I'm into WG too, but... Erm... Uh... Sorry, bro... Anyway, no matter what I (playfully) say about your art, I hope to see you around more - Wheezy
2/25/10 - Oh, you're an FFA? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ((Passes out)) — Wheezy
TokuGirl! * pokes* -Set
A wild Ozbourne appears! Wild Ozbourne used Page Vandal! It's super effective! arcadiarika's page is vandalized!
FIRE! * freezes page* - the Freeze Ray Man
I don't know what to say, so I'll just say that I'm glad you're here. - Krrackknut.
Hi Rika! - Rumetzen
You're a good roleplayer, no matter what you say about yourself. ~ Aliroz The Confused
Never think that someone can't hear what you say about them, there is always chance that they do. - Spooky Mask
How did I never write here before? ~CapedLuigisYoshi
- (shrugs) ~ me
Should give herself more credit, considering she IS a great Roleplayer. ~TheRealWren
The faeries like your username. ^_^ - Stolen By Faeries
Heya Rika. I think you're great at roleplaying. It's definetly more fun when you're around ^^ ~Nightraid
Jefferson Lives! ~ deathpigeon
<(*.*<) Russian Mafiya. ***CaligulaSympathizer
- Lolwut? XD ~ me
Did you give up liveblogging NVR? *sadface* - —Hammerhead
I Regret Nothing. -Pilot Solaris
Hey, Rika? Your liveblogs are cool! Are you still around? -Sen
I am the author of Super Sentai vs. Super Sentai and I approve of this troper and liveblogger. And the blog. Bravo! -Chris X