Tween idiot who's been lurking around these parts for a few months. Constantly tries to get more people interested in this site, but it never works.
I'm a huge fan (though not the bad kind) of One Piece, and a veteran player of the same name in Kingdom Of Loathing. I also, more generally, enjoy Web Comics, Video Games and sci-fi/fantasy stuff of pretty much any kind.
I may leave a random comment when making an edit. Like, really random. Please ignore them if this is the case.
Here's a couple of tropes that might as well define me:
- Brilliant, but Lazy - According to one friend, "You've got the power to learn anything in the universe you just never look."
- Butt-Monkey.
- Catch Phrase Repeating Duo.
- Common Sense - Inverted.
- Headphones Equal Isolation.
- Higher Self - When dealing with his more eccentric friends.
- Limited Social Circle - Not as small as the trope might indicate, but when you can count your friends on your hands...
- Not Helping Your Case - Done for the purpose of real-life comedy value.
- Older Than They Look - Despite being a legal adult anywhere, this troper still gets carted for alcohol.
- Pastimes Prove Personality - It's the only real way to explain all the things this troper likes.
- Self-Deprecation.
- The Nondescript - Otherwise known as "The NPC".
- Trademark Favorite Food - Asian food in general, with a preference for Chinese and Japanese.
- Unsound Effect - Because I can.
- With Friends Like These... - Special emphasis on "friends".