Just another person that plays video games, and very rarely edits pages on this website.
I also have a Youtube account. Other than that, I'm just another guy here.
Tropes that Aquamancia contains:
- Bile Fascination: I have become interested in works of questionable quality for several years. Don't ask.
- Headphones Equal Isolation
Things I Like
- Cave Story
- Fraxy - Came for the customization, stayed for the shmup genre. It's something to check out if you're into shmups (if you haven't already).
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- Kirby
- Kirby Air Ride is my personal favorite.
- The Legend of Zelda
- Minecraft
- The Souls Series
- Includes Demon's Souls and Bloodborne
- Touhou
More to come when I feel like it.