Somewhere in Seattle, a basement dweller taps away at a keyboard, drafting a novel. Her short brown hair is in disarray, and she's still wearing her pajamas, even though most people in her area are eating dinner. The baggy T-shirt has a hole in it, but it's on the shoulder, so it's okay.
Hello everyone. My name is Anya, and I am a writer who aspires to be a professional author. Hopefully, one day, I will have a creator page on this site. Currently, I'm working on my first novel, which itself is the first of a planned trilogy, because of course it is. In the meantime, I have a blog and a twitter, where I mostly talk about writing but occasionally veer into other topics. May contain politics.
A few tropes that describe me/my life/situations I'm often in:
- Blind Without 'Em: Or at least not allowed to legally drive. I am quite nearsighted.
- Boyish Short Hair: I literally get the same haircut as my dad, except about a quarter-inch longer.
- Brainy Brunette
- Brilliant, but Lazy: one of my professors in college said that I had "gotten away with murder" because I was smart and could write well.
- Butch Lesbian: by self-identification.
- Badass Lesbian: I have a black belt in karate and my hobbies include fire dancing.
- Cannot Spit It Out: I'm usually pretty frank, but around girls I like, I tend to spontaneously morph into Fluttershy.
- Crazy Cat Lady: to a degree. I only have the one cat.
- Deadpan Snarker: to the point that relatives who saw me go through my humorless phase often can't tell when I'm joking.
- Grammar Nazi: though I prefer the term "pilkunnussija," because it literally means "comma fucker," and that's hilarious.
- Insufferable Genius: It Runs in the Family.
- Kind Hearted Cat Lover: This one runs in my family too.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: if I wear baggy clothes.
- Limited Wardrobe: not always the same outfit, but I don't own anything that isn't black or pajamas.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Not Wanting Kids Is Weird: I'm childfree and intend to stay that way. Some people don't respect this.
- One Of Us: If I ever get a creator page, I expect this troper page to be linked on it under this trope.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: when off my meds.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Downplayed, since not all of my speech or writing is like this, but I do have a tendency to use words like "approximately" or "ostentatious" in casual conversation.
- Straight Man: I often play this role with my friends, despite being a gay woman.
A few tropes that will be in my novel and its sequels:
- Aerith and Bob: Downplayed/Justified; actual names that appear in the series are coincidental. The main character's name, Andreva, is actually derived from a root in her own native language, and matches an actual medieval feminine variant of "Andrew" by coincidence. Her friend Cathrenna has a name that sounds like "Catherine," but would roughly translate to "Summery." The fact that they sound like actual names is similar to how Naomi is both a Japanese name and a Hebrew name.
- Conlang: I'm developing six original conlangs for the world, including a few with grammar based somewhat on Latin and other early Indo-European languages (though with generally Germanic/Finno-Ugric sound profiles), one agglutinative language that functions as the setting's equivalent of Basque by being a language isolate, and two root-and-pattern languages.
- Functional Magic: Somewhere between rule magic and device magic.
- Magic A Is Magic A: The rules of magic are rather strict, and known fairly well in-universe.
- Sufficiently Analyzed Magic: Development of magical formulae is rather scientific.
- Our Mages Are Different: There isn't really a catch-all term for the modern magic user... but don't call them wizards. Calling a modern mage a wizard is roughly equivalent to a Real Life person calling a scientist an alchemist.
- Translation Convention: With the exception of character names and certain place names, the language spoken by the main characters is rendered as English.