Probably about time I overhauled this a bit.
Basic Info
- Name: Jack
- Alignment: There are plenty of systems within fiction for doing stuff like this. I'll just pick a few well-known ones:
- Dungeons & Dragons: True Neutral, leaning towards Lawful Good.
- Magic: The Gathering: Blue/Green ("Simic")
- Myers–Briggs: INTP
- The Enneagram: 9w1
Tropes Responsible For
- Demo Bonus
- Dispel Magic: I actually kinda adopted this one after it's original author vanished.
- Lunarians
- Vampire Variety Pack
In Development
- Apocrypha
(too similar to Loose Canon)
Tropes For Me
Pretty much just how I see myself at the time of writing; this could be out-of-date as you read it. It's also almost certainly incomplete; if you have suggestions, drop them on my wall.- Asexual:
- Asperger's Syndrome: Apparently quite mild, although I'm not sure whether it can be mild. The package includes:
- Brutal Honesty
- Literal-Minded: Mostly grown out of this one. There are a lot of things this caused when I was younger that I now look back on and laugh.
- Loners Are Freaks
- Shrinking Violet
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality
- The Quiet One
- The Stoic (although that might just be Stiff Upper Lip, I certainly prefer to think of it as such)
- Big Eater: Give me food and I will love you forever.
- Born Lucky
- Plague of Good Fortune: I consider my luck to be a curse in disguise. It's bound to run out sooner or later, and since I've rarely had to work hard for something, I'm ill prepared for the day it does.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: IQ 120, and absolutely no motivation to do anything.
- Complexity Addiction: Just a little one. Maybe.
- Deadpan Snarker: On occasion.
- Fear of Thunder: Yeah... I'm not good with storms.
- Not a Morning Person
- Ridiculous Procrastinator
- Serial Tweaker
- Sweet Tooth
- Techno Wizard: In training.
- The Gadfly: This comes out more IRL; it's not really part of how I act online. Probably because it's easier to take things the wrong way in a text-only environment.
Active RPs
None right now.All former Vandalism has been moved to my Troper Wall; if you want to add something else, you'll have to do it there, since we can't edit each other's pages anymore... *grumble*