Nobody special. Just some geek with a lot to say and no girlfriend.
Edits a lot of pages. Tried to create a trope ("Your name-your name-my name") but turns out someone already did that one.
Currently working on a fanfic for Trope-tan's page.
- Created the G-Man page
- Added the "jokes" sections (as well as the first joke in each) to Insatiable Newlyweds and Just Like Making Love.
- Has added very many tropes and CMOAs to the greatest villain ever.
- Added the quotes and CMOA pages for the Master of Magnet himself.
- Added the page quote for Doctor Doom.
- Made the CMOA page for the Big G himself. ...No, not THAT one.
- I created the WMG pages for Super Friends, JUSTICE, Batman Eternal, Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War, and Teen Titans The Abridged Series.
- Created the CMOF page for Teen Titans Abridged.
Tropes that apply:
- Agnosticism: The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. If we can't even figure out how a bumblebee flies, I really don't think we would know whether a God or Gods really exist.
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Peppy, flexible, skimpy uniform...not seeing a downside.
- Asperger Syndrome
- Berserk Button: REALLY doesn't like the words "freak", "nonsense", or "excuses".
- Born in the Wrong Century: Pick any time between The Roaring '20s and the early 90's, I can guarantee you I would've been a lot happier growing up then.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: At least that's what everyone tells me.
- Casual Kink: You'd be surprised. ;)
- Catharsis Factor: F*ck what parents say, videogames make me less violent.
- Celeb Crush: Chloe Moretz (we're the same age!!!)
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crossover Ship: Dexter and Blossom. They're just freaking adorable together!
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Which isn't to say I don't like women of other hair colors...
- Evil Is Cool / Love to Hate: Big fan of Darth Vader, The Joker, Doctor Doom, Magneto, Green Goblin, Mister Freeze, the REAL Mandarin, Venom, and Bane
- And thinks Megamind had a DAMN good taste in music.
- Fan Dumb: Ever notice how Superman is always criticized for being invincible when Kryptonite Is Everywhere, while Batman has become a Memetic Badass of Chuck Norris levels for being Crazy-Prepared about everything and never needs a better explanation than simply being Batman?
- Fanon Discontinuity: "Death Of The Family"? Never heard of it.
- Fan-Preferred Foe Yay Ship: Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf.
- Fate Worse than Death: My opinion of what poor, poor Arthur faces in Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl. Living with 2 girls that hot, one of which is a gamer, and not tapping either one? I literally cannot imagine a worse kind of hell. Seriously, that's like Prometheus's punishmentnote plus Loki's punisment note times like, eleventy billion!
- Foe Yay: I simply love this trope. Think about it: The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life, right? But who's the one person who the hero isn't always finding some excuse to slip away from? The one person who they always make time for? The one person who has built their entire life around the hero? Who cares about them more than anyone else and won't let anyone else have them? The one who pushes their buttons until they just can't get enough of them? That's right.
- Growing Up Sucks
- Has a Type: Any girl who's a casual dresser, with an upbeat yet spunky personality who can beat me in comic book trivia or a video game (or maybe even roughhousing) and loves to loosen up and party down is okay with me!
- I don't know why everyone hates yaoi fangirls so much. I find them adorable. And I find a girl who's willing to admit when she's aroused very attractive.
- Hates Everyone Equally: All I want is to be able to live in a world where people can accept that when people hate each other, sometimes it's because of who they are, not the color of their skin. Is that too much to ask?
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Aquaman rocks, simple as that.
- Hypothetical Casting: wants to see...
- I Am What I Am
- I Have Many Names:
- AntMan
- ImdaBatman
- AmazingWebHead
- SpiVenger
- In the Hood: I just have this thing for hoodies. Light, warm, and cover your head so people can't see you. (I'm paranoid, okay?) I practically feel naked without one.
- It's Not Porn, It's Art: Porn IS a form of art!
- Large Ham: You DARE to question my HAMMINESS!? For that, YOU. WILL. PAY!
- Marty Stu: I liked Captain America: The Winter Soldier and all, but face it: Cap was this trope in spades!!!
- Memetic Badass: Y'know how everyone is always going "how did he do that?" "because he's Batman!"? Well, with me it's "how did he do that?" "because he's The Joker!"
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: I mean it! You so much as look at her and you're DEAD!
- Mythology Gag: whenever I can make them, I go for it.
- Not a Morning Person: I really wish I was, though.
- No Social Skills: I wouldn't say none, just not a lot.
- No Yay: Harley Quinn and Deadshot. No.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: I never give away my full name over the internet.
- Oral Fixation: I have a habit of holding my pencil with my teeth.
- OTP: Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown. Full stop.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: An unhealthy amount toward Supergirl. (Normally I don't go for "good girls", but she's an exception)
- Politically Incorrect Hero: I'll admit, I'm just a little bit misogynistic. Blame all these guys.
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: I used to think Professor Pyg was just a cheap Mad Hatter knockoff, but after playing Batman: Arkham Knight he's kinda growing on me.
- Rooting for the Empire: Given how often the Marvel Universe shows that Humans Are Bastards, I find it hard not to root for Magneto. (When he's not going through Character Derailment, that is)
- Scars are Forever: I have a little scar on my face from when I was a baby, when my Mom accidentally scratched me with her fingernail.
- Seinfeldian Conversation: practically a hobby of mine
- Serious Business: if you tattle or squeal in any way at all on anyone, I will personally sent you right to the deepest circle of HELL!
- So Cool Its Awesome: My opinion of Man of Steel and, of corse, The Avengers
- So Bad, It's Good: My opinion of Green Lantern, Daredevil, and Hudson Hawk
- So Bad Its Horrible: My opinion of Iron Man 3, Sea Of Monsters,note Superman Returns, any Fantastic Four movie, "Twilight",note they all suck!
- Square-Cube Law: I just don't get this trope. If something is so big, it should be durable. Should a tree trunk snap because it's so much bigger than a stick? Of corse not!
- Stalker with a Crush: Okay, I admit, sometimes when I like a girl and have free time...I sorta follow them a little.
- Theres No B In Movie: I'm a sucker for the classics. Especially in MST 3 K form
- The Unreveal: I always wanted to know what happens when the edit lock expires. But I'm to chicken to find out.
- Why Did It Have to Be Zombies?
- You Need to Get Laid: I do. I really do.
- Yuri Fan: Not just because Girl on Girl Is Hot, but I also think Trope-tan and Wikipe-tan are perfect for each other.