Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan has been lurking on this site since 2007. In April 2008, this troper first took on this name and took part in the Wiki Magic. In May 2008, became a Known Troper. Specialties: The Beatles & Paul Mc Cartney examples, but does not stop there. Not even close. Also likes adding unindexed pages to indexes.
Warning: this troper can get Sophisticated as Hell (or sophisticated as heck).
- Wrote early definitions for the current Cover Version entry and for the First Lawof Metafictional Thermodynamics.
- Created entries for Give My Regards To Broad Street and A Hard Day's Night.
- Tried to write definition for Continuity Drift, but that vs. was rejected; ended up just contributing.
- Has been having lots of fun with Better Than It Sounds.
- Has tried to help with Fission Mailed.
- Created several It Just Bugs Me! pages to help move items off the Fridge Logic Scratch Page: otherwise, there would have been nowhere to put those entries. This included DC Universe, Cars, and Clue Or Cluedo.
- Restarted Your Universe or Mine?.
- Wrote entries for Brave New World and Nancy Drew.
- Wrote entry for *Strawberry Shortcake.
- Revived Not Available In Nebraska.
- Polices So Bad It's Horrible. Wishes it didn't have to be on the Darth Wiki.
- Keeps watch on the Wall Banger and Narm indexes.
- Probably wrote 75% of the House Wild Mass Guessing. Has mostly left the serious entry alone, however.
- Keeps an eye on the Cut List...
- Is amused that there is an Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan WMG page