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Tropers / Amused Troper Guy

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I once looked just like this... without the fox/cat face, of course...

I’m just someone who ended up caught in the addictive black hole that is TV Tropes. After some time reading and ruining my life, I decided to contribute writing articles for it. (Of course, my life has also been improved thanks to the site... although my language has become horrible, so it all evens out... I think).

In this site I tend to roam through pages randomly, but I usually can be found on the Useful Notes section.

On a more personal level, I’m a 25-year old man from Chile (you know, the straight line next to Argentina); an Industrial Civil Engineer but sadly without a job and finally with a job! (well, it's a low-brow one, but a job nevertheless... as Don Ramón used to say: "There's no bad job; the bad thing is having to work"). As an aside, I try my hand at writing: not only allows me to exercise my imagination but it’s also cheaper than visiting a psychiatrist.

Some of my favorite stuff:

    open/close all folders 

    Anime & Manga 




    Live Action TV 


    Video Games 

    Web Original 

    Western Animation 

The things about me, as a fellow troper:

    Articles written by me (or heavily contributed by me) 

I’ve lost track of which ones were created by me and which ones were already existed but I contributed heavily in their final appearance (i.e. more than half, more or less). So I just included them all, so apologies if someone feels robbed of their little creations.

As you can see, they’re not trope pages, but rather articles about books, movies or just Useful Notes. Everyone needs useful notes, after all.

All the articles are Up For Grabs, because that's the only way to keep them growing nice 'n' healthy.





Useful Notes and other random un-notable stuff

    Here’s where you vandalize the page 
Here there be vandalizing

This place is reserved for anyone who wishes to write a comment. Just one rule: don’t be a troll. Put your thoughts in here in any language you want (I speak Spanish and English), though I’d appreciate if you put also the translation so I can understand. Thanks!

  • ¿Compatriota? ¿En serio? ¡Esto es increible! Saludos igualmente. Por cierto, soy un casi-ingeniero, sin trabajo al igual que tú, al menos por el momento, pero no pierdo el ánimo. ¡Mucha suerte! ¡Y un placer ver una página para Gabriela Mistral! (me quito el sombrero) — Silent Reverence


  • Штож, я также не знаю Сербианский язык, но по краинеи мере можно и нечто по Русски. (Well, I also do not know Serbian, but at least something in Russian will do.) -Morgulion

  • Eh? Hinri ca pala isang taong cathang-isip ng isang sicat na pilosopo! Acala co pa naman, naging mainam ang aking mecanismo para sa pag-iisa ng munrong totoo at ng munrong cathang-isip. Medio nalungcot aco sa acing sariling pagcabigo, datapuwat, napupuno ako ng ligaya sa pagbati sa iyo!note jcruz
    • Translation: Eh? You're not a fictitious person written by a well-known philosopher! I thought my machine that will merge the real world and the fictional world had worked. I am a bit disappointed by my failure, but still, I am happy to greet you! note 

  • Thanks man! The same to you! :D - Sen

  • I did a Double Take on your pagelist: Benin, Bangladesh, Custers Revenge... Wait, what? The page needs more pop-culture though, I'd have loved to see what is your favorite book, movie, TV-series, video game, etc. And thanks for paying a visit to my page! - Sati1984

  • Hablas espanol? Bueno. - Spirit

  • Hola! Qué bueno ver a alguien de Latino América por aquí! =D - Polarity

  • Wedle życzenia, odpowiadam. Niestety, to tylko ja zaczęłam, inne osoby edytowały ją potem, dzięki czemu jest taka świetna. (As you wish I answer. Sadly I just started the page, other persons edidted it afterwards - that's why it's so awesome.) - Dracia

  • Vandalism is so much fun! - Stolen By Faeries

  • I'm an exception, of course. The bunny army will see that this page is properly conquered, anyway. ~ A Rabbit Filled Nightmare

  • Ecco un po' di vandalismo cortese da parte di un troper Affabilmente Malvagio che, a sua volta, ama il cinema. (Translation from Italian: Here's some polite vandalism from an Affably Evil troper who likes movies too.) — Belfagor
    • P.S.: Oh, and don't forget to vandalize my page back.
    • P.P.S.: I love the little fox in your image.

  • Just returning the favor. Hey, non-malicious vandalization is a good way to meet others, huh? - X2X

  • I should've left a videogame quote here, but I had no inspiration. -desdendelle

  • I used to leave meaningless memes in vandalization sections, but then I took an arrow in the knee. ~ kay4today

  • You've just been vandalized! Ha-ha-ha-haaa! By the way, nice choice of literature. - whataboutme

  • (Sending a return message from my page) and here I thought I was the only one who enjoyed how crazy we all are! Nice to see I'm not alone in my Bile Fascination, friend! -Blake Diamond (Also, yay! Another Golden Sun fan! ^^)

  • You're probably right, a team DOES need a Team Thanks. :P - Keybreak

  • ¡Weón! ¡Otro Chileno! ¡No lo creo! Ya somos... ¡Tres! -That One Guy Named X

  • Necessito practicar español. Mi maestro de español es muy fantastico. Dice cosas como "hago lo que quiero" o grita "¡No inglés!" cuando los estudiantes le preguntan a hablar inglés. Es muy comico. Es divertido para pedirle dulces. Él responde: "¡No! ¡No dulces para ti!" Me gusta dulces mucho. Especialmente chocolate. ¿Tiene chocolate? Quiero chocolate... -Indigo12ash

  • Well I'm glad to be vandalized by you. So I'm returning the favour. Impressive list BTW. Newt time! - Alrune

  • Today I learned that Salvatore Allende's daughter wrote books! xD (Just a little snark here...) - Johnnyfog

  • You were a noob once too? That makes me feel better, thank you. : ) -XSoulfire
